The iniPax Game is a simulated Capital Market. Designed specifically for teaching in a computer lab, players trade against each other in a dynamic market environment. They can also act as business owners, guided through the development of business and financial plans - and testing corporate financing strategies. Players can also act as Bankers, setting interest rates and offering overdrafts and deposits to traders. As traders, players buy and sell shares created by the business owners - against a backdrop of price-sensitive news and announcements. And always on view, there's the Leaderboard, a continually updated list of portfolio values. And traders can also manage their portfolios by using exotic instruments like options, foreign currencies - and even a little shortselling ... As a pure Internet system, the iniPax Game is accessible to anyone with a browser-equiped computer. Over the years it has engaged thousands of students in a raft of secondary schools, colleges, Universities - and private companies. To run it at your place, ideally with a group of around 20, you can contact me personally by eMail. Learning, bonding or just plain entertaining, the Game can be enjoyed at lots of levels ...
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